Why we are here

We provide needed insigth for optimal treatment

When you have COPD, it can be hard to remember what it feels like to go about your daily life without any difficulties. If left untreated, COPD can leave people so short of breath that even simple tasks like getting dressed or walking around the house can be a real struggle – often leading to emotional distress and anxiety. While COPD can’t be cured, its progression can be slowed down with treatment. However, current tools for diagnosing and measuring COPD do not provide clinicians every insight needed to deliver optimal patient care.

We aim to revoluionise respiratory care

Exhalation Technology develops breath analysis devices for disease diagnosis, monitoring, and management. We aim to revolutionise respiratory care by providing clinicians the tools they need to provide optimal patient care – with confidence. By giving clinicians access to information related to underlying causes, we can strengthen their decision-making process – and create better outcomes for patients. Why? Because we believe monitoring and managing respiratory diseases should be simple and reliable – for everyone involved. We are committed to helping transform the way we diagnose, treat and monitor respiratory diseases. In improving patient outcomes, we help clinicians meet the challenges and opportunities in an ever-evolving respiratory healthcare world.